Managing Saved Searches

To manage your saved searches, edit the icon next to 'Saved Searches' on the Manage Cases page. The 'Saved Searches' page displays a list of saved searches that you made (My Searches), and ones shared by others in your organization (Shared by others).

My Searches

This section displays the searches you created.

  • Name: Click the name to edit the search.

  • Auto-tag: If enabled, the auto-tag name is automatically assigned to uploaded cases that match the search criteria. Only an admin user has this capability.

  • Enabled: If enabled, a check mark displays.

  • Shared w/ org: If the saved search has been shared with the rest of the company, a check mark displays. Only an admin user has this capability.

  • Actions:

    • : Returns you to the Manage Casespage and runs the search.

    • : Deletes the saved search.

    • : Set the saved search as your default

Note: On the Saved Searches page, the bookmark icon functions as a checkbox. Unselected and non-default Saved Searches are represented by unfilled bookmarks, while selected and default Saved Searches are displayed as solid bookmarks. By clicking a solid bookmark, you can deselect the Saved Search as the default option.

Shared by others

This section displays searches that people in your organization created and then shared. Since you did not create the saved search, you have no edit capabilities, you can only run the search.

How to share a saved search (Admin only)

Company Administrators can share a saved search with others in the company. A shared search displays in a couple of places:

  • On the Manage Cases page: When you click on the Saved Search field on the Manage Casespage, the saved searches display under the 'Shared by Others' heading.

  • Saved Searches page: Click the edit icon next to the Saved Search field on the Manage Cases page to go to the Saved Searches page. The shared searches display under the 'Shared by Others' heading.

To share a saved search:

  1. On the Manage Cases page, select the search criteria and/or the date range.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Click 'Save this Search'.

  4. In the dialog box, enter the search name and then check the 'Share search with your organization' box.

Share an existing search

  1. On the Manage Cases page, click the edit icon next to Saved Searches.
  2. Check the 'Share search with your organization' box and then click Save.

Deleting saved searches made by others (company admin only)

Company administrators can view and delete (you cannot edit or run) all saved searches, including those created by other users. To facilitate this functionality, there is a section on the Saved Searches page titled "Created by Others."

Note: This new section will only display if you are a company administrator. It will not be visible for standard users.

To delete a saved search:

  1. On the Manage Cases Manage Defib Cases page, click the edit icon next to Saved Searches.

  2. In the "Created by Others" section, find the name of the saved search you want to delete and then click the trash can icon.

Note: Auto-tags associated with the saved search will also be deleted.